• Post last modified:October 5, 2020
  • Post category:Insurance

We understand that cutting costs wherever possible is important for any family’s financial stability, but there are just some things that you need to spend the extra money.  One of those though that you can kill two birds with one stone is healthy food.  It usually goes hand in hand that healthy foods are expensive foods, and by and large, that’s a pretty accurate statement. But we have found some very healthy foods… known as super foods that everyone should have in their grocery carriage, and the best part is, they are INEXPENSIVE!

Now if you’re unaware of a super food, it’s basically a food that is low in caloric count but incredibly (almost disproportionally so) high in health benefits like protein or fiber.  Hence, their name- super foods! Seriously, the health benefits are off the radar, and we can’t even begin to tell you how these could help with your CT health insurance! Below are some of those super foods that you should search out while grocery shopping, and you won’t have to break the bank purchasing them either.

Beans- Great price (like wicked low), high in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. ‘Nuf said.

Blueberries- PACKED with antioxidants and tons of vitamins, blueberries are one of the best fruits (and foods) you can have incorporated into your diet. And don’t worry about the seasons… the frozen blueberries are just as goof for you!

Russet Potatoes- We get it, potatoes can be used in very unhealthy ways a la French fries. But on their own, and cooked in a healthy way, potatoes are great for you.  High on potassium and other minerals, potatoes are a good too… again, as long as you prepare them in a healthy way AND don’t put all those bad (but soo good) toppings.

Fish-  Not all fish is expensive.  Yes, freshly caught fish can be pricey, but frozen fish is really good and has all the health benefits as well.  Especially the fish high in good fats, like salmon, are a great addition to the dinner menu at home. Remember- Omega 3’s!

Cereal – Now remember, this doesn’t include the sugary cereals, but the healthy cereals really are good for you and provide you a solid portion of iron and calcium… in my opinion, that’s a great way to start your day!