You are currently viewing How to Safely Handle Swimming Pool Chemicals

If you are a pool owner you certainly know how much work maintaining a clean pool is – especially dealing with  these pesky things called chemicals! Today we are going to talk about ways you can prevent them from getting the best of you!

Head Out

The issue with swimming indoors is that the chlorine hovers just above the water with nowhere to vent, which causes issues with the pool chemicals. This could pose a risk to your respiratory system as well as cause digestive distress.

A safer option would be opting out of indoor swimming all together. The ideal would be to find an outdoor pool that uses salt water, UV, or ionization (because far less chemicals are required to maintain the pool).

Rinse First

Are you guilty of ignoring those signs that tell you to rinse off before entering public pools? Maybe you thought “I’m clean, I don’t have to.” Well, turns out that signs like these may actually be aiming to protect you! Rising off before you swim saturates your skin and hair with clean water to prevent your body from absorbing chemicals.

Furthermore, a dangerous chemical compound called chloramine forms when chlorine reacts with ammonia from sweat! So remember, the next time you see that “rinse before swimming” sign, it’s actually for your safety!

Coconut Oil

Healthy skin is naturally covered by a thin film called the “acid mantle.” This layer helps protect against contaminants to the skin such as bacteria, and viruses. When we swim in chlorinated water or bathe with soap, this protective layer is stripped away. By applying coconut oil on your skin before swimming, you give you skin an extra layer of protection. Not only that but coconut oil also acts as a mild natural sunscreen!

Topical Vitamin C

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) neutralizes chlorine and chloramine. If you are a “do-it-yourselfer” you can make a spray bottle with 1 teaspoon of powdered vitamin C dissolved in two cups of filtered water. You can also just buy a topical spray online if you’d rather not make your own.

After swimming, spray and rub the solution into your hair and skin, then rinse in the shower.

Keep in Mind

If you have a pool, your liability risk increases, so you must let your insurance company know. Since pools are considered an “attractive nuisance” it would be a good idea to purchase additional liability insurance. Pool owners may want to consider increasing their amount of liability protection. Talk to your agent about purchasing an umbrella policy. This could be a huge life saver for a mere few hundred dollars a year!