• Post last modified:October 5, 2020
  • Post category:Umbrella Insurance
Excess liability or an umbrella policy add another layer of protection to policies you may currently have including employer’s liability, general liability and auto liability policies. 
Businesses often overlook the need to buy extra or excess liability insurance limits, but these prudent coverage purchases are an essential safeguard, protecting against asset depletion from unforseen risks.
Two Forms Available:
Why Excess Insurance
  • Provides the ever-important increased limit protection.
  • Pays for defense costs in addition to or outside policy limits.
  • Minimizes coverage gaps by adopting coverage terms and conditions of the primary policies.
Why Umbrella Insurance:
  • Overlays most of a firm’s primary coverage program with increased limits on each of the policies.
  • Generally provides greater and more comprehensive protection.
  • Generally offers broader coverage-less exclusions or limitations, and more generous definitions-than
Why choose excess or umbrella protection?
  • Assure business survival by protecting business assets from catastrophic consequences of uninsured or underinsured events.
  • Qualify businesses for job awards from clients who require proof of extra limits.
  • Assure compliance with contractual and lease agreement requirements.
  • Minimize uncertainty of potential large liability claims.
  • Help a buyer maintain a professional image and stature that is enhanced with a well-conceived and well-designed insurance program.
Here at Paradiso Insurance, We understand the importance of our clients insurance needs as well as understanding the options available.  For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!