• Post last modified:October 5, 2020
  • Post category:Insurance

We want our family, friends, customers, and employees to always strive to be as healthy as possible.  With the seemingly unending research that proves how beneficial a healthy diet and exercise are for your overall well-being, it’s a wonder why anyone wouldn’t want to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  Now certainly this is a challenge for most of us, as the convenience of unhealthy food and lack of time for exercise play a key role in our lifestyle, but as cliche as it sounds- it can’t hurt to always try… your body and your CT health insurance  will thank you in the long run.

For those of us who actively seek out ways to shed the pounds, but have a difficulty in doing so, often become intimidated by the countless weight loss techniques, workouts, and training tips that are out there.  But it seems like the biggest debate of them all when it comes to losing weight is this: cardio or strength training?

Now while many of us believe that cardio is best for losing that belly, in fact it’s strength training that takes the top prize here.  Why is that, you may ask? Well, if you’re going off a pure time comparison and calories burned, cardio wins every time, and that will lead to weight loss.  But a lot of cardio will cause someone to lose weight through losing muscle mass as well as fat.  Conversely though, strength training is what you need to truly burn that fat away and look great. 

Strength training builds your muscles into fat burning machines, whereas pure cardio can diminish your muscles’ ability to do so.  The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn.  BUT, the best results come for a healthy balance of both cardio AND strength training.  And don’t forget about eating right! Nutrition is key for losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  Without it, you’ll just be running circles at the gym.  All of this will not only have you looking great, but you’ll obviously be healthier, and thus far less of a risk for your CT health insurance coverage! It’s a win-win!