• Post last modified:October 5, 2020
  • Post category:Insurance

There are many things that remind me about Thanksgiving- good food, good wine, good friends & family, and of course football.  But another factor that is playing into our Thanksgiving this year, but in my opinion, doesn’t ‘scream Thanksgiving’ is snow, and lots of it.  The weather man is calling for almost a foot of snow in our area, especially those of us who live right in the heart of Stafford Springs!

Now while this is New England and we certainly aren’t shy of a little snow, I must say, after last year’s winter, I think most of us were hoping for a LONG respite before the snow returned.  But alas, the fluffy white stuff is coming for us.  Unfortunately however, the snow is suppose to start falling (and be the heaviest fall) during prime travel time tomorrow.  As we all know, the Wednesday prior to Thanksgiving is the busiest travel day of the year (just look at how expensive flights are that day!), so if you’re driving, flying, or riding your way to the Thanksgiving table tomorrow afternoon, prepare for an eventful trip.  If you’ll be like millions of other Americans driving on the highways and byways tomorrow, then it will be important to prepare your vehicle for the roads as well as update your coverage. By looking into Connecticut auto insurance, residents can choose affordable and reliable coverage.

In honor of the snow that’s coming our way this week, here are a few tips for  you that will surely come in handy when trying to drive through the snow:

•   Have extra sweatshirts, an ice scraper, snow brush, and shovel packed in your car… you never known when you’ll need them.

•    Avoid using cruise control during snow storms- if the roads are slick, cruise control is your ticket to an accident.

•    Always allow yourself enough time to break when driving in the snow- remember this one! It’s amazing how many cars you see sliding through intersections because they simply don’t realize how slick it is and how much further they need to stop.

•    Make sure your windshields and mirrors are clear- pretty standard guideline

•    Always brush snow and ice off of the top of your car to avoid putting other drivers in danger- one of the scariest moments that can happen on the highway. Don’t put other drivers at risk because you’re running late and fail to clean your car off properly.

•    Never break on a hill- should be a law.

Honestly, if the weather is really bad, it is best to stay in and avoid going out at all costs. For many, this may be impossible, especially when it comes to jobs. The best we can do is stay prepared and protected for the worst case scenario. Safe Travels!