You are currently viewing How To Run Facebook Ads
  • Post last modified:October 5, 2020
  • Post category:Insurance

If you have a business page on Facebook, then you know the importance of social media in your digital marketing strategy. You may have also come across a handy “boost” button which allows you to promote a Facebook post. Promoting on Facebook is a great way to reach a larger audience, but did you know you can also use Facebook to get people to your company website? Today we will be going over exactly how to do just that with Facebook Ads. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Your Landing Page

We’ve already established your goal, which is getting people to your website. Now let’s take it a step further. Where exactly on your website would you like them to land on? Maybe it’s a page promoting a new product or your newest blog post. You could just take them straight to your website, but we recommend that you have more of a direct objective.

For our example will will send them to one of our newest blog posts.


Step 2: Beginning Your Ad

Start your Ad by going to the Facebook Ads Manager. Then choose “create ad” in the upper right hand corner. Next, select “Send people to your website.” You will then be prompted to enter the URL of the landing page you want to promote. Insert it in the box then choose “Set Audience & Budget.”




Step 3: Your Audience & Budget

Now, you must set your audience and budget. When choosing specifications for your audience keep in mind the persona that your content is speaking to. For example, since we are promoting a blog on ATV accessories and  insurance, we would be sure the age, gender(s), interests, and behaviors we chose aligned with those who may be most interested in that topic. Furthermore, we would target the state of Connecticut (since that is where we write most of our policies). When it comes to your budget, pay close attention to your selections, and be sure to read your options in their entirety.  


Step 4: Your Images

When it comes to your image options for your ad, Facebook offers a few different options. You can choose to have your Ad display with one image at a time, or many images at a time. We always choose the “single image” option, and there is a great reason why! When you choose the “single image” option, the photos you upload are essentially “competing” against each other. Then, as Facebook recognizes which image is performing the best, that image will be used more frequently. This in turn saves you money on your CPC (cost per website click). Be sure to pay attention to image specification such as recommended image size (1200 x 628) as well as the 20% text rule (your image may not contain more than 20% text). If you have a business Instagram account be sure to connect it during this step, your ad will show there too!Capture7



Once your ad is done delivering, you will be able to review the results in the ads manager. There you can see which images worked best and how your ad performed overall. Remember, the key to successful marketing is consistency and ongoing improvement! Happy marketing!