One thing is safe to say… there’s pretty much an insurance policy for anything that you can think off.  But really, what to you is the most important policy that you can have? Some may say an auto policy, others their home coverage.  But the most important policy that you should have is CT general life insurance.

Just think about it for a second.  Over the course of your career, say thirty-five years, you may bring in a few million dollars into your home and family.  This is why it is so vital to have a CT general life insurance policy.  Think you yourself:

Am i with the right CT general life insurance company?

Is the coverage I currently have enough to cover my family in case I’m gone?

Has my  lifestyle changed that would significantly alter my  CT general life insurance? Like have recently quit smoking and taken up jogging as a hobby? These are the changes that you should address with your agent.

So long story short, don’t sell yourself short! Always make sure you have the right type of life insurance that fits you, your family and your lifestyle.  A healthy lifestyle could make a significant difference in your coverage and your premiums, so if that isn’t enough convincing to put down the cigarette or join a gym, I don’t know what is!